Bible Study
Spending time in God's word is crucial to having a relationship with God, and being a disciple of Jesus. In Matthew 28 after Jesus had risen from the dead he appears to his disciples telling them to go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all he commanded. We learn the commands of Jesus by reading the word of God, and since Jesus is the very word of God we need all of scripture, both the Old and New Testaments to have a healthy relationship with God. As we read the word of God and spend time with Him we learn more about God, His promise, His revelation, and His plan. A healthy relationship requires knowledge of the other person, healthy discipleship requires us to know the one we serve and why we serve him. Studying the word of God provides the foundation for both of these.
Steps to Studying the Bible
Prayer is part of a conversation between you and your loving Father. It is a chance to talk to God, and seek Him. Before you read God's word spend time in prayer with God. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and to speak to you as you spend time with Him. Ask God to use this time to draw you closer to Him, and shape you to be more like Jesus.
When we read God's word we allow Him to speak to us. Take time to read a verse, passage, or section from the Bible. After reading it once take time to read it again, but this time slow down. Take time and slowly move through the reading paying attention to words that are repeated, seem important, and add context to the passage.
If possible read the Bible in two different translations to check for differences. Sometimes seeing it in other translations help add to understanding.
If possible read the Bible in two different translations to check for differences. Sometimes seeing it in other translations help add to understanding.
After praying and reading the word of God take time to summarize it. What is one word you would use to describe this passage? How would you explain this passage in one sentence?
Truth Revealed
Every time we open God's word He is revealing something to us about His Character, His promise, and His will. What is the objective truth (universal truth that applies to everyone) that God is revealing in this passage?
Please note this is not thinking about how this passage or verse applies specifically to you, but what truth God is trying to reveal to all mankind.
Please note this is not thinking about how this passage or verse applies specifically to you, but what truth God is trying to reveal to all mankind.
Intersection With Life
Based off the objective truth God has revealed in this passage or verse, where does this objective truth intersect with your life? What area of life does this truth impact, influence, and cause us to consider?
God calls us to be active participants in our relationship with Him. This means that when we read God's word we have a responsibility to act based off the truth that He has revealed to us. Based off the truth revealed and where this passage or verse intersect with your life what is your responsibility in your personal life. Another why to say this is what is the application based off your study, how does this apply to your life specifically.