Covenant Membership

What Is A Covenant?

the Bible is filled with covenants that God makes with His people. God makes covenants through Adam and Eve, (Gen. 2:15-17) Abraham, (Gen. 12:1-13) Moses, (Ex. 19 & 24) David, (2 Sam. 7) and finally New Covenant made through Jesus to his disciples.

A covenant is a promise by which we obligate ourselves to one another in such a way that the obligation of one party is not dependent on the faithfulness of the other. (Ezek. 20:44; 36:22; Ps. 76:11; Hos. 2:19-20; 3:1; 2 Tim. 2:13). Though the covenant does define the relationship between members and the church, it is first and foremost a promise made to God as a commitment to his glory and his bride, the Church (Eph. 5:25).

Why Covenant Membership?

The book of Acts provides a look at how the apostles of Jesus lived out the mission he had given his Church and through the power of the Holy Spirit spread the gospel all over the earth. The book of Acts also provides the foundations. We we in the book of Acts chapter two that after the Church was born the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayer, and shared material possessions. (Acts 2:42-47) Hebrews 13:17 and 1 Timothy 5:17 both indicate that Christians are to submit to Elders/Pastors. 1 Peter 5:1-5, and Acts 20:29-30 require Elders/Pastors to case for specific people. There are many other text that continue to make it clear that God's plan for his church is that we  belong to a local covenant community of faith. 

Is Covenant Membership Important? 

Yes, membership is an important aspect in the life of a follower of Jesus. To be clear membership is not required for someone to experience salvation in Jesus. Membership is designed for the and was established by God to aid in the spiritual formation of each Christian, ensure the care of each member of the church, build accountability, and ensure that there is unity in the local church for the purpose of mission. When we are saved we are saved to and for community not isolation, covenant membership offers a community to walk through life with.   

How Do I Enter Covenant Membership?

At Emmanuel the be eligible for covenant membership as person must first believe in and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, and have turned from their sins. This is was we would call "born again", or "saved". This does not mean you are perfect, but that you are chasing after Christ.

Second, a person who seeks to enter into covenant membership needs to be baptized by immersion in water as a believer.

Third, the person needs to attend a class with the pastor(s) outlining what the church believes and why. At this class the leadership of the church will explain the structure of the church, the theology of the church, and the responsibility of the leadership team to members, and the responsibility of the members to each other. Potential members will have a chance to ask any question they would like during this class.

Fourth, once the Elders/Pastors approve of the candidate(s) they will make a recommendation for membership to the other covenant members at the next members meeting and once approved the candidate(s) will become full covenant members.